Our program aims to develop environmental education, eco-art projects, and nutrition. We encourage creativity, growth, and connectivity. Our areas of focus are promoted through classes and events at elementary schools (K-12), private events, school afterschool programs, one on one or group events, and private business art events to promote business and green awareness for clients and families, daycare centers, preschools, and athletic day care centers, in the South Florida and Denver, Colorado .
PHASE ONE | enviromental awareness
Go Green Kids and Parents Broward Art Program provides a hands-on learning experience for students in grades k-12. Using eco-friendly recycled art materials students will be encouraged to create, discover, and share innovative ideas on how to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Go Green Kids and Parents Broward Art Program provides a hands-on learning experience for students in grades
k-12 Using eco-friendly recycled art materials students will be encouraged to create, discover, and share innovative ideas on how to reduce, reuse and recycle.
PHASE TWO | art & journalism
PHASE THREE | nutrition
Go Green Kids and Parents Broward Art Program provides a hands-on learning experience for students in grades k-12. Using eco-friendly recycled art materials students will be encouraged to create, discover, and share innovative ideas on how to reduce, reuse and recycle.